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Why cutting-edge cybersecurity is more important than ever


Why cutting-edge cybersecurity is more important than ever

Covid-19颠覆了许多关于如何,何时和何时工作,购物和玩耍的假设。根据数字商务360, since the emergence of the pandemic in late 2019, e-commerce volume has grown by more than 50.5%, while peer-to-peer payments on our network have more than doubled, and subscriptions to digital streaming services hit the 1 billion milestone.


The common denominator across most post-pandemic behavioral shifts is the growing importance of digital payments. Put another way, the safe, reliable and fast movement of digital money between individuals, businesses, and governments is the engine powering today’s global economy—including everything from $0.40 digital downloads to $4 million cross-border corporate transactions.

Ensuring that life-saving medicines can be purchased or governments can efficiently distribute pandemic relief mostly falls to networks like Visa, with the required technology, experience, and partnerships.

To say the task of securing the global movement of money is complex would be an understatement, particularly now. Unfortunately, criminal enterprises saw the pandemic as a golden opportunity to exploit human and technical vulnerabilities. On the human frailty side,78 percent of people who receive unsolicited links click on them, 尽管51%的人在大多数在线活动中都承认使用相同的密码.同时,81%的全球组织经历了网络威胁的增加,由于高峰季节发生了网络事件,有79%的组织经历了停机时间.


A lot of attention is paid to the innovations on the bleeding-edge of finance and payments—tap to pay, crypto, buy now pay later, for example. What garners less attention are the products, platforms, and services that ensure any new form of money movement is safe, secure and private.

We don’t often show what happens behind the scenes at Visa, but it’s worth shining a light on the changes we’re making to our security systems, processes, and innovations. Why? Because it’s important and, frankly, kind of cool (if we do say so ourselves).


我们从两个角度看待网络安全 - 保护Visa的资产,并为客户和合作伙伴提供积极的辩护和犯罪。例如,Visa的1,000多名全职网络安全专家使用自然处理来分析数据的数据,使他们能够保护Visa的网络免受恶意软件,零日攻击和内部威胁。机器学习模型可以预测和修复网络漏洞的点,从而增加了另一层安全性。在客户端,Visa的安全团队监视,扫描并检查客户端系统是否可疑活动和漏洞。


Some of the cybersecurity work, like ethical hacking attempts by our in-house engineers or triangulating fraud attempts, IP addresses, and GPS data to catch criminals, wouldn’t be out of place in a Jason Bourne movie. Vulnerability testing alone has saved clients approximately $31 million in prevented fraud in FY21. Other work, like fielding inbound client incidents, is less dramatic, but no less important. In one instance, Visa helped to prevent approximately $2.2 billion in attempted client fraud using the Visa Account Intelligence tool, which uses AI and machine learning to catch fraud before it starts.


When it comes to fighting fraud, data is the most precious resource. Because of Visa’s expansive global network, it has more data than its competitors, and Visa deploys that data to reduce fraud. But it’s not just about the volume, it’s the quality and how it is used. In the past five years, the company has spent more than $9 billion to boost cybersecurity and reduce fraud. With an investment of $500 million in artificial intelligence and data infrastructure, for example, Visa can power more than 60 different AI capabilities that can automate much of the heavy lifting in fraud detection—a time-consuming task that many clients are doing manually today.

One service alone, Visa Advanced Authorization, helped prevent an estimated $26 billion in fraud in 2021. The other side of preventing fraud is minimizing false customer declines. To that end, Visa applies the latest deep learning techniques to reduce false declines by as much as 30 percent.



由于现在大多数财务活动都发生在云中,因此无论发生在任何事情的地方,都必须保护客户数据。身份验证2.0(消费者保护的未来)是由签证率先主持的代币的基础,通过用特定交易的唯一标识符替换持卡人信息来降低身份盗用的风险。令牌化同比增长60%,导致批准率增加了2.5%,欺诈率降低了28%。Visa还引入了其云令牌框架(CTF),旨在提高安全性并提高多种付款体验和设备的卡 - 毫无疑问交易的批准率。In Europe, the use of Visa’s new authentication technology, EMV 3DS, has tripled since the start of 2021, which has coincided with a reduction in card-not-present fraud by 28 percent, and as it’s more broadly adopted, Visa anticipates a similar reduction globally. That is as important for business as it is for trust, as 89% of cardholders abandon or reduce use of their credential after a fraud event.

As a critical engine of global commerce, Visa’s uncompromising commitment to security has bred new innovations to power the future of trusted digital money—one transaction at a time.

Learn more aboutVisa Security.


View and download the accessible infographic:Trust in digital payments |Visa [infographic]

Paul Fabara是Visa的首席风险官.
